
Rest Day Nutrition 101

 When it comes to how you should eat on your rest days, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Just like every other aspect of fitness and health, it's a topic filled with nuances that depend on various factors. In this blog post, we'll explore the intricacies of eating on rest days, and why it's crucial to listen to your body. We'll also delve into the scientific rationale behind these considerations.

The Hunger Factor

 One common observation on rest days is that you might feel a bit less hungry than you do on intense training days. This can be perplexing, especially if you're accustomed to consuming a specific amount of calories each day. The key takeaway here is simple: listen to your body. If you're not as hungry, there's no need to force-feed yourself. Your body's appetite regulation system is remarkably adept at signalling when you need nourishment. On the flip side, some people find that they're more hungry on their rest days. This can be due to having an especially intense workout the day prior, but can also likely be related to inadequate fueling on training days, which may not be intentional as some people experience a suppressed appetite due to exercise.

 The science behind this lies in the body's hormonal response to exercise. After a strenuous workout, your body releases appetite-stimulating hormones like ghrelin. On rest days, these hormonal fluctuations might not be as pronounced, leading to reduced hunger. It's perfectly normal, and as long as you're not ignoring genuine hunger cues, there's generally no harm in eating slightly less on rest days for the average gym goer. That being said, this can depend on your goals. If you are trying to build muscle mass and/or intentionally gain weight, then it is best to ensure you are at least eating at maintenance as falling short on calories will impact your results.

 For those who have follow a very intense training schedule - perhaps due to training for a specific sport or event, then for maximal performance it is recommended that they do their best to eat as they normally would day to day. 

Your Activity Level

 Another critical factor to consider on rest days is your activity level. A rest day might mean different things to different people. If your idea of a rest day involves being mostly sedentary, like lounging on the couch or catching up on Netflix, then eating slightly less probably won't significantly impede your recovery. In fact, it might be a good opportunity to practice mindful eating and if you’re currently trying to lose weight eating slightly less could be beneficial in this situation.

 However, for those who remain quite active on their rest days, perhaps due to a physical job, maintaining a high daily step count, or opting for leisurely walks instead of intense workouts, the situation changes. Even if your primary goal is weight loss, you should continue to nourish your body as you would on any other day. The calories burned during your daily activities still require proper nutrition for optimal recovery and energy.

General Guidelines

The most critical factor is to maintain a balanced and sustainable approach to nutrition, so your body gets what it needs to recover, no matter what type of day it is. To properly stimulate muscle growth and repair, you must be sure to get enough protein and healthy carbohydrates. Of course dietary fat is also important, however it tends to easily find it's way into our diets without too much effort. 

 Including anti-oxidant rich foods can also be greatly beneficial to reduce inflammation and promote healing. Some of these foods include dark coloured vegetables and fruits like leafy greens and berries. Hydration is also crucial. It's common for people to not drink enough water since they may not feel as thirsty as they are during and around the time of training. Avoiding alcohol is also recommended as it can definitely have a negative impact on recovery. 

The Importance of Individualization

 It's important to emphasize that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to nutrition on rest days. Each person's body is unique, and individual factors such as age, gender, metabolism, and specific fitness goals all come into play. The key to making informed decisions is self-awareness and adaptability.

 In conclusion, the nuances of nutrition on rest days underscore the importance of listening to your body. Pay attention to your hunger cues, and adjust your food intake based on your activity level and desired results. It's all about finding what works best for you and aligning your nutrition with your goals and comfort.

Supplements for Recovery

 While supplements are not a magic fix, if you're taking other measures to facilitate recovery they can be a useful tool to add to your routine. Some popular options include amino acids for muscle repair, anti-inflammatories such as Turmeric and Omega 3's, medicinal mushrooms for relaxation and magnesium for muscle pain and stiffness. Check out our wide selection of products here!

Dec 02, 2023

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